Beautiful Cornices
Return PolicyTo receive a refund, we must be notified within 3 business days of the items being delivered.Please contact us for the appropriate return approval and return information. If return approval has been issued, we must receive the product back within 14 days of approval issuance. Items will NOT be accepted for return for the following reasons: All items must be unopened to be eligible for a refund; we only accept returns of unopened items. We guarantee that when you order cornice kits that have been cut to order, they will be cut to your measurements. We will only accept returns for kits that we cut incorrectly. We will not be responsible if the customer provides inaccurate measurements - no return will be accepted. The customer will pay for the return shipping costs.There will be a 10% restocking fee deducted to cover processing costs. |
Copyright (c) 2009-2025 by the Cornice Store.